From Vinales to Puerto Esperanza
How to travel between Viñales and Puerto Esperanza using local transportation
From Varadero to Havana
Short guide on how to get to Havana from Varadero using local transportation
Local transportation in Cuba
Introduction to public transportation and local way of traveling around Cuba.
Cost summary: two weeks in Cuba
Cost summary of 16 days in Cuba, and tips for traveling in Cuba on a budget.
CUBA – Colorful, Unique, Beautiful, Authentic
First feelings of Cuba, and introducing Cuba as a travel destination for backpackers.
New adventures awaiting – travel plans for winter
Travel plans for the coming winter, finally going over the ocean! The tragic collapse of Thomas Cook caused some extra hassle though.
How to visit Machu Picchu with limited time and budget?
Machu Picchu is a highlight of traveling in Peru, but getting there is often expensive or time consuming. We tried a cheaper, alternative route.