FinnsAway blog – nomad life and travel adventures



Travel cost summaries and nomad finances

The most frequently asked questions for long-term travelers are about money. How much does traveling actually cost and how to earn money when on the road? How to save money before you go? How much savings you need to travel for a year? Do you need to be insanely rich to leave your day job to move abroad and try to earn money while traveling?

We open up the finances of long-term traveling by revealing our own expenses. Below you can find our yearly cost summaries, sum up posts from different countries and articles about travel budgeting and low-cost traveling. There is no precise answer to the common question about how much traveling costs, since it highly depends on your travel style, and of course on where you decide to travel. The cost of living is totally different in Northern Europe and in South-East Asia for example. To understand and control the consumption while traveling, it’s advisable to plan well ahead, have a realistic budget target and keep tabs on all purchases.

For our sum up posts, we list all costs and locations of the purchases in excel, and categorize them in accommodation, groceries, restaurants, traveling costs, fitness and other costs. Then it’s easy to compare the costs in different countries and see what kind of purchases swallow most of the cash. Before we started our nomad life, we set a target budget of 50 € per day for two of us, so 25 € per person per day. This should include all daily costs from accommodation to beer tasting, and in longer run it should cover also the bigger purchases like flight tickets and fixed costs like insurances. Cost summary posts and the monthly diary reveal how we have been able to maintain this budget so far, and can help to understand how much living and traveling as digital nomads costs in a longer run.

Nomad life

Monthly cost summaries

All costs are for 2 persons

In early August our long house-sit in Croatia ended, and we head to a road trip in the Balkans, traveling in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania. In the end of the month we drove back north, to start another house-sit in Bohinj in Slovenia.

Cost-wise August was a bit on the expensive side, since we were on the move most of the month – total costs were 1813 €.

Accommodation costs (567 €) were higher than usual – we did travel by our small camper, but as the weather was really hot, we stayed part of the nights in apartments (with AC). We also stayed part of the nights wild camping and hiking. Traveling costs (242 €) are fuel for the car, some parking costs and additional insurance for Kosovo.

Grocery costs (378 €) were on a normal level, but we spent way more than usually in restaurants, 570 €. Eating and drinking out is actually were cheap especially in Bosnia and in Kosovo, but of course the costs start to add up when eating out often. Tourism costs (11 €) are entrance fees to Una National Park in Bosnia-Herzegovina and to a church tower in Pristina, and other costs (45 €) include small purchases like pre-paid data, camping gas, medicine, socks and toiletries.

Visited countries:
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Slovenia

Accommodation 567,35 €
Traveling 242,01 €
Groceries 377,50 €
Restaurants 570,35 €
Tourism 11,16 €
Other costs 44,97 €

TOTAL: 1813,35 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 263,35 €

In July we were house-sitting on the countryside south from Zagreb in Croatia. We were taking care of a lovely Corgi, who was eager to go on road trips, so we made a some short trips around Croatia, visiting the coast and the northern part of the country, and also visited Zagreb a few times.

Cost-wise July was quite an affordable month, with total costs of 1200 €. We didn’t have accommodation costs when house-sitting, but spent 135 € on apartments and camping sites when making road trips. Traveling costs (158 €) include fuel for the van and some parking fees.

Grocery costs (361 €) were on a normal level, but we spent quite a lot in restaurants (492 €). We didn’t eat out in our house-sitting place, but during the visits to Zagreb and when on road trips, we did go to restaurants and craft beer pubs. Other costs (54 €) in some new clothes, cosmetics and toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation 135,16 €
Traveling 157,51 €
Groceries 361,28 €
Restaurants 491,50 €
Other costs 54,48 €

TOTAL: 1199,93 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -350,07 €

In June our road trip took us to five countries in Europe. We started the month house-sitting near Warsaw in Poland, then explored Wroclaw in south-western Poland before traveling though the Czech Republic. Then we stayed for a few days in Austria, before starting a house-sit in Slovenia, near Lake Bohinj. Towards the end of the month we drove to Croatia, where we started a month-long house-sit near Zagreb.

Cost-wise June was an average month, with total costs of 1621 €, out of which 376 € were dental care costs – without those costs it was a rather cheap month actually. Accommodation costs (198 €) were low because we spent most of the month house-sitting. Traveling costs (167 €) are mostly fuel to the van, and in addition some local transportation costs in Warsaw and Wroclaw.

Restaurant costs (352 €) were on a normal level – we didn’t eat out very often, but we had a half-board when staying in a mountain lodge in Austria, and spent some money on local craft beer in Poland. Grocery costs were 488 €, which is an average amount for us. Tourism costs are entrances to Witches Bridge in Wroclaw and a parking fee when going SUP-boarding on Lake Bohinj. Other costs (398 €) include the dental care costs and some small purchases like toiletries.

Visited countries:
Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia

Accommodation 197,67 €
Traveling 167,46 €
Groceries 487,97 €
Restaurants 351,99 €
Tourism 17,45 €
Other costs 398,15 €

TOTAL: 1620,70 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 120,70 €

In May we first traveled and did house-sits in England, in London and Nottingham. Then we flew back to Finland for a few days, before starting our summer road trip in Europe. During the last week of May we drove through the Baltic countries to Poland for another house-sit.

Cost-wise it was a rather expensive month, mostly due to traveling in the UK, with total costs of 2 182 €. Accommodation costs were quite high (485 €) even if we stayed 20 night free of charge house-sitting in the UK and Poland and staying with family in Finland. Traveling costs (499 €) were also higher than usually – the sum includes buses and metros in England (129 €), flight from London to Finland (127 €), ferry from Finland to Estonia (57 €) and fuel (176 €).

When in London and Nottingham, we went to restaurants more often than usually, and also bought quite some local craft beers from pubs (nice but a bit expensive hobby), so restaurant costs were high (546 €). Also grocery costs were higher than normally (453 €). Other costs (199 €) included dental care costs (133 €), some presents and other purchases like cosmetics and clothing.

Visited countries:
England, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland

Accommodation 485,09 €
Traveling 499,09 €
Groceries 453,15 €
Restaurants 545,80 €
Other costs 199,01 €

TOTAL: 2182,13 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 632,13 €

In April we stayed the first three weeks of the month in our home-country Finland, visiting family and friends before new adventures abroad. The rest of the month we spent in London, house-sitting in the iconic capital of UK.

Cost-wise it was an average month, with total costs of 1 479 €. Otherwise it would have been cheaper, but healthcare related costs of over 300 € increased the total sum quite a lot. Accommodation costs were super low (58 €), since we stayed all but one night free of charge either with family and friends or house-sitting.

Traveling costs (338 €) included train and bus tickets + uber in Finland (102 €), fuel (90 €), flights to London (81 €) and buses + overground in London (65 €). Grocery costs were quite high (455 €), but restaurant costs were on moderate very level (256 €). Other costs (366 €) include mostly healthcare costs and in addition some small purchases like presents and toiletries.

Visited countries:
Finland, England

Accommodation 57,65 €
Traveling 337,99 €
Groceries 455,06 €
Restaurants 256,40 €
Tourism 6,00 €
Other costs 366,04 €

TOTAL: 1479,14 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -20,86 €

In March it was time to leave East Africa behind after a wonderful trip that lasted more than six months! We would have loved to stay a bit longer, but had work-related commitments to travel to Finland for a few weeks. It was great to visit our home country and to see our loved-ones, and once again to work for two weeks in Oulu Music festival in our former home town.

Cost-wise March was quite an affordable month, with total costs of 1066 €. Most of the costs were related to eating and drinking – both groceries (611 €) and eating out in restaurants (227 €) is expensive in Finland! The sums are quite high considering that we had free lunches during the festival.

Accommodation costs were zero, since roughly half of the month the stays were work related, and the rest we stayed for free either with friends and family or in the premises of our employee. Traveling costs (135 €) include train rides and fuel costs in Finland. The flights from Kenya to Finland were paid by our employee. Other costs (92 €) include some clothing purchases, souvenirs, some toiletries and small random purchases.

Visited countries:
Kenya, Finland

Accommodation 0,00 €
Traveling 135,19 €
Groceries 611,42 €
Restaurants 227,05 €
Tourism 0,00 €
Other costs 91,92 €

TOTAL: 1065,58 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -484,42 €

We stayed most of February in Nairobi, focusing on work projects and exploring this bustling city a bit more. We also made a few days holiday trip to the beautiful coast of Kenya, visiting Kilifi, a small coastal town north from Mombasa.

Cost-wise February was quite an average month, with total costs of 1064 €. The biggest cost category was quite unusually restaurant costs (460 €) – we ate out way more than normally, partly because of long working days. Then again, grocery costs were on a very reasonable level (233 €).

Accommodation costs were only 251 €, since part of the accommodation was work related and covered by our employee. Traveling costs (91 €) include train trips to Mombasa and back as well as local transportation to/from and in Kilifi. Other costs (23 €) include pre-paid data and some housing items. In tourism category there are tickets to Mnarani ruins in Kilifi.

Visited countries:

Accommodation 250,80 €
Traveling 90,66 €
Groceries 233,17 €
Restaurants 460,39 €
Tourism 6,56 €
Other costs 22,63 €

TOTAL: 1064,21 €
BUDGET: 1 450,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -385,79 €

Happy and prosperous New Year! In January we stayed most of the month in Nairobi, but made a one week holiday trip to Tanzania, visiting Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. It was great to escape the busy city life and enjoy the stunning beaches of Zanzibar for a while.

Cost-wise it was quite an expensive month, since we exceeded our monthly “budget” with more than 1000 euros! In Nairobi the everyday life was affordable, but the trip to Tanzania was quite expensive, even if we stayed in low-cost accommodations.

Accommodation costs (597 €) were a bit higher than usually. In Nairobi we stayed in an apartment rented from a local fried, and in Tanzania we stayed in guesthouses and budget hotels. Traveling costs (735 €) are mostly costs of the trip to Tanzania, including flights (606 €), ferry ride to Zanzibar (65 €) and local transportation like uber rides and buses.

Grocery costs (245 €) were lower than normally, because we ate out quite a lot, which means that restaurant costs were quite high (551 €). In addition to “normal” meals, there is also one more luxurious night our, celebrating Toni’s birthday. Category tourism (112 €) includes visas to Tanzania and entrance fees to Jozani Forest in Zanzibar. Other costs (431 €) include gym fees (124 €), purchases like clothes (one of our backpacks was missing for 5 weeks after flying from Sambia to Kenya!), some housing related items, cosmetics and toiletries. In addition, there is a payment to a (corrupted) police officer of a traffic offence that didn’t even happen.

Visited countries:
Kenya, Tanzania

Accommodation 596,76 €
Traveling 735,40 €
Groceries 244,73 €
Restaurants 551,06 €
Tourism 111,86 €
Other costs 430,52 €

TOTAL: 2670,34 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 1120,34 €

The month started in Lusaka in Zambia, and in 5th of December we flew back to Nairobi in Kenya. Then we stayed most of month in the city, but made a three-day holiday trip to Naivasha area, visiting two national parks and admiring the nature of the Great Rift Valley.

Cost-wise it was a rather normal month, with total costs of 1 448 €, so 46,7 € per day for the to of us. The biggest cost category was groceries, 456 €, followed by accommodation costs, 404 €. We stayed most of the month in an inexpensive rental studio apartment in Kileleshwa area. Grocery costs include some special foods for the Christmas season, and quite a lot of craft beer and wine too.

Restaurant costs were 284 €, so on average level for us. Traveling costs are fuel for a car that we used for traveling to Naivasha, and uber trips. The flight from Lusaka was business related and thus covered by our customer. Other costs (211 €) include entrance fees to national parks (113 €), a visit to a dentist (53 €), prepaid data and some small purchases.

Visited countries:
Kenya, Zambia

Accommodation 493,51 €
Traveling 94,54 €
Groceries 455,48 €
Restaurants 284,23 €
Other costs 210,52 €

TOTAL: 1448,27 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -101,72 €

In November we traveled from our “home base” Nairobi to Zambia, and stayed most of the month in Lusaka. We also made a short trip to the neighboring countries Botswana and Zimbabwe, and visited the world-famous Victoria Falls. It was another month of combining work and leisure in Africa, and we really love to be here.

Cost-wise it was a bit expensive months, since the total costs 1 687 € exceeded our long-term monthly budget a bit, even if the flight from Nairobi to Lusaka and six nights accommodation was cost-free for us. Accommodation costs were the biggest cost category, summing up to 600 € (in average 25 € per night).

Traveling costs (165 €) include visas to Zimbabwe ($30 per person), buses between Lusaka and Livingstone and shared taxis / Yango rides from Livingstone to Kasane and to the border of Zimbabwe. Grocery costs (324 €) were on normal level, as were the restaurant costs (290 €). Other costs (308 €) include admission fees to Victoria falls ($50 per person), a boat tour on Chobe River in Botswana, tickets to Lusaka Elephant Nursery, new clothes for an Embassy reception, SIM card and data, ATM fees and some small purchases.

Visited countries:
Kenya, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe

Accommodation 599,53 €
Traveling 164,95 €
Groceries 324,07 €
Restaurants 290,35 €
Other costs 307,80 €

TOTAL: 1686,70 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 186,70 €

During the first three weeks of October we traveled in Uganda and Rwanda, and then stayed the rest of the month in Nairobi, Kenya. It was a busy month with a lot of long traveling days (we mostly used buses for also long distances, which is a VERY slow way of traveling in East Africa) and also a lot of work, but filled with new experiences in new countries.

Budget-wise is was another split-up months; the travel weeks were much more expensive than the one that we stayed put in Nairobi. Total costs of the month were 1312 €, which fits in our long-term budget, but is still above the average.

The most expensive cost category in October was accommodation, 412 €, even if part of the apartments / hotels were free (work-related stays). The second biggest cost category was restaurant costs, 405 € – as we were on the move a lot, we used restaurants more than normally. In general eating out and having beers in pubs is not expensive in East Africa though, but of course it all piles up. Grocery costs were a bit less than usually 227 €. Traveling costs, 247 €, includes long distance buses between countries, shorter rides with local buses and shared vans, ubers, mototaxis and ferry rides to and from Ssese Islands in Uganda. Other costs are some small purchases and ATM withdrawing fees.

Visited countries:
Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda

Accommodation 412,02 €
Traveling 247,05 €
Groceries 227,43 €
Restaurants 405,36 €
Other costs 19,88 €

TOTAL: 1311,73 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -238,27 €


In September our home base was in Nairobi, the busy capital city of Kenia. We worked quite a lot during the week days, and made some short weekend trips to explore the country.

Highlights of the month included visits to Nairobi and Amboseli National Parks and a trip to Mombasa and Diani Beach.

Budget-wise it was a quite split-up months; in Nairobi our life was rather inexpensive, since our accommodation was cost free (business) and we mostly cooked our meals at home, but then the excursions and the trip to Mombasa caused quite some extra costs.

Total costs of the month were 1737 €, so a bit over our long-term budget, but roughly 700 € of that sum was spent to tours in the national parks (listed in other costs). Accommodation costs (165 €) is price of the apartments / rooms in Diani, Mombasa and Amboseli. Grocery costs were quite low (273 €) but restaurant costs were higher than normally (401 €, including full-board during our 2-days trip to Amboseli NP).

Visited countries:

Accommodation 164,96 €
Traveling 73,64 €
Groceries 273,25 €
Restaurants 400,63 €
Other costs 724,71 €

TOTAL: 1637,20 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 137,20 €

In August we stayed the first two weeks in Finland, visiting family and friends and focusing on a work project. In mid August it was time for new adventures abroad, and we fly via Doha (Qatar) to Nairobi in Kenya, that will be our home base for coming months.

Our travels in East Africa are partly work related, which meant that we didn’t have to pay the plane tickets or the apartment in Nairobi by ourselves. That of course reduced the total costs of the month a lot. Also in Finland we stayed with family and friends, so there were no accommodation costs. All in all we spent 1278 € in August.

The biggest cost category this time were the other costs (369 €), that included a wedding gift for Toni’s sister, some other smaller presents, a SIM card and data in Kenya and some other small purchases. Grocery and restaurant costs were on normal level, and traveling costs (311 €) mostly included fuel (we drove a lot in Finland), train tickets in Finland and local transportation costs in Doha and Nairobi.

Visited countries:
Finland, Qatar, Kenya

Accommodation 0 €
Traveling 311,40 €
Groceries 314,79 €
Restaurants 282,46 €
Other costs 369,05 €

TOTAL: 1277,70 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -272,30 €

During the first half of July we traveled north from Alsace in France. First we drove through Germany, admiring the scenery and castles along the Rhine river and visiting Wismar in northern Germany. Then we took a ferry to Bornholm island (Denmark) and continued from there to Skåne county in southern Sweden. After a short tour in Sweden we took a ferry to Finland, where we then stayed the rest of the month.

Budged-wise it was another rather expensive month, since we used almost 1700 euros in total and thus exceeded our “budget”. The biggest cost category was traveling costs (729 €) that included a lot of fuel for our camping van (442 €) as well as ferry tickets (in total 269 €) and some parking costs and bus / tram tickets when visiting cities in Sweden. Accommodation costs were low (178 €) since during the road trip we mostly stayed in the van, and in Finland with friends and family. Grocery costs were a bit higher than usual (442 €) but restaurant costs were low (143 €). Other costs (207 €) included some clothes, presents and small purchases like toiletries and cosmetics.

Visited countries:
France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden

Accommodation 177,78 €
Traveling 728,51 €
Groceries 442,07 €
Restaurants 142,67 €
Other costs 207,01 €

TOTAL: 1698,04 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 148,04 €

June was the second month in a row of traveling in southern Europe, on a road trip with our camper van. We started the month with a few days in Braga, Portugal, visited Peneda-Geres National Park and Ponte de Lima, before continuing further north to Galicia in Spain. We drove through Asturias and Cantabria to Basque Country, and then crossed the border to France. After visiting Limoges and Dijon, we headed to Alsace and stayed the second half of the month in the lovely old village of Gueberschwihr, house-sitting for our friends.

Budged-wise it was a bit expensive month, since we used over 1500 euros in total. Accommodation costs were 226 euros (10 nights in camping sites, 4 in guesthouses, the rest for free) and traveling costs were 221 € (fuel for the car). Grocery costs were quite normal, 383 €, and we spent 277 € in restaurants for meals and drinks. All the above were quite average amounts, but the biggest cost category, other costs (401 €), raised the total consumption of the month higher than normal. Roughly half of this sum is sports gear (running shoes etc) and the rest includes oil change and filter (155 €), and smaller purchases camping gas bottles, some household stuff, toiletries and so on.

Visited countries:
Portugal, Spain, France

Accommodation: 225,88 €
Traveling: 221,o0 €
Groceries: 383,39 €
Restaurants: 276,55 €
Other costs: 400,92 €

TOTAL: 1507,74 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €

In May we traveled in beautiful Portugal, making a road trip in the central and northern parts of the country, and also did three house-sits; one near Lisbon, one by the coast in Caldas da Rainha and one in Porto.

Since we were on the road quite a lot, the costs on some days were high, but as we also did a lot of house-sitting (with no accommodation costs), total costs of the month (1 147 €) were quite average. Groceries were again the biggest cost category (456 €), followed with restaurant costs (274 €) and accommodation in camping sites and guesthouses (194 €, 11 nights).

Traveling costs (110 €) are fuel and some local transportation tickets and parking fees. Other costs (114 €) include windshield wipers for the car, new sports clothes and equipment and some toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 193,84 €
Traveling: 109,50 €
Groceries: 456,07 €
Restaurants: 273,78 €
Other costs: 113,69 €

TOTAL: 1146,88 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -403,12 €

The month started in Finland, where we visited family members and friends first in Lapland and then in southern Finland. In mid April we flew to Alicante in Spain and traveled with buses to Malaga, to rejoin with our camper van and to continue travels and house-sitting in Europe.

Cost-wise it was quite a pricey month, but still slightly under the monthly budget target. Accommodation costs (237 €) are hotels and guesthouses for eight nights in Spain. We were on the move a lot, and both grocery (325 €) and restaurant costs (373 €) were a bit higher than the average months.

Travel costs (384 €) include flights from Finland to Spain and domestic trips in both countries with trains and buses. Other costs (135 €) include some new clothes and shoes as well as some presents, toiletries and cosmetics.

Visited countries:
Finland, Spain,

Accommodation: 237,22 €
Traveling: 384,34 €
Groceries: 324,63 €
Restaurants: 373,15 €
Other costs: 135,07 €

TOTAL: 1454,41 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -45,59 €

We stayed the first week of the month house-sitting in the beautiful town of Estepona in Andalusia, Spain, taking care of Eddie, a cute big doggo. Then we hopped in a plane in Malaga, as it was time for our yearly visit to Finland. The rest of the month was quite busy, as we worked for a bit over two weeks in Oulu Music Festival, basically from morning to evening.

Cost-wise it was a bit pricier month than normally, with more travel costs than usually but with rather low accommodation costs since we first house-sat and then stayed with friends. Food and especially alcohol drinks are rather expensive in Finland, both in grocery stores and in restaurants, but it helped that we had a lunch allowance during the music festival, and we only had a couple of night-outs (just one large craft beer in a pub in Finland costs around 10 €, so it’s very easy to spend money if you go out!). Travel costs include flights from Spain to Finland and domestic trips with trains and buses, and other costs include some toiletries and cosmetics.

Visited countries:
Spain, Finland

Accommodation: 220,08 €
Traveling: 307,23 €
Groceries: 534,33 €
Restaurants: 309,92 €
Other costs: 47,34 €

TOTAL: 1418,90 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -131,10 €

Our house-sit in Andalusia continued until mid February, so we stayed put the first two weeks, focusing on work and taking care of the pets. During the second half of the month we made a road trip in western parts of Andalusia, mostly exploring new destinations in the Province of Cádiz.

Cost-wise February was quite an affordable month, again under the long-term budget of 50 € per day, but of course traveling around increased costs compared to the months of just house-sitting. In total we used 1 062 €, and the biggest cost category was accommodation, 270 €. Compared to previous months, we used less money for groceries (224 €), but ate out in restaurants more (250 €). Traveling costs (67 €) are fuel for the car and other costs, that are higher than usually (250 €), include purchases like clothes, new backpack, a portable shower and some cosmetics and toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 270,41 €
Traveling: 67,22 €
Groceries: 224,41 €
Restaurants: 249,90 €
Other costs: 249,75 €

TOTAL: 1061,99 €
BUDGET: 1 400,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -338,31 €

We rang in the new year in El Morche in Andalusia, Spain, where we had been house-sitting since early December. As this house-sit continues until mid February, we stayed put the whole month, only making some short day trips to nearby villages and nature parks.

Cost-wise January was a very affordable month, since we didn’t have any accommodation or traveling costs. In total we used 632 €, majority of that for buying groceries (food, wine and craft beer altogether 486 €). We ate out in restaurants a few times, but the restaurant costs still were low, altogether 127 €. Other costs (40 €) include a hair clipper, a timer for electrical appliances as well as some toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 0 €
Groceries: 485,99 €
Restaurants: 126,60 €
Other costs: 39,79 €

TOTAL: 652,38 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -879,62 €


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Monthly cost summaries 2022

In December 2022 we stayed the whole month in Spain, house-sitting for our friends in Torrox, Andalusia. Since we didn’t travel or pay for accommodation, it was a budget-friendly month. Total costs of the month were 841 €. Check out also our yearly cost summary.

The biggest cost category were groceries, 506 €, that includes also some special foods for Christmas and new year, as well wine and craft beer. Restaurant costs were only 117 euros, since we mostly cooked all meals at “home”. Traveling costs, 96 € are fuel for the car and a parking fee in Malaga. Other costs, 121 € include purchases like some clothes, housing stuff, toiletries and some Christmas decorations.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 96,22 €
Groceries: 506,37 €
Restaurants: 117,35 €
Other costs: 120,74 €

TOTAL: 840,68 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -709,32 €

November was a busy month with a lot of traveling, from Turkey all the way to Spain by car and ferries, via Greece, Albania and Italy. Otherwise we traveled quite fast, but stayed a bit longer in Italy, exploring the beautiful Apulia region and spending time with our Finnish friends in Formia.

We started the month with a short house-sit in southwestern Turkey, but otherwise stayed in apartments and rooms rented via Airbnb and, and some nights in camping sites. Accommodation costs were in total 375,43 €.

Traveling costs were way higher than usually, altogether 747,66 €, including ferry rides from Albania to Italy and Italy to Spain, and a lot of fuel to the car. Also restaurant costs (314,11 €) were higher than usually, since we didn’t always have kitchen in use, and also wanted to eat out more than normally, especially in Italy. Grocery costs were also higher than usually, altogether 523,88 €, including some food & drink souvenirs. Other costs, 120,72 € include purchases like some sports clothes and entrance tickets to Ancient Ephesos in Turkey

Visited countries:
Turkey, Greece, Albania and Italy

Accommodation: 375,43 €
Traveling: 747,66 €
Groceries: 523,88 €
Restaurants: 314,11 €
Other costs: 120,72 €

TOTAL: 2 071,80 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 571,80 €

In October we traveled the first two weeks around Turkey, and then settled down for the rest of the month for a house-sit near Ortaca in the south-west. Our road trio took us from Istanbul to Amasra by the Black Sea, to Ankara via Safranbolu, to Göreme in amazing Cappadocia and down to the Mediterranean coast.

Since we spent two weeks house-sitting with no cost, the accommodation costs were quite low, 248 €. Stays in Airbnbs cost in average 17,5 € per night and in camping sites 13,5 € per night. Grocery costs were higher than the previous month (391 €), but restaurant costs were lower (190 €) – we cook more when house-sitting and eat (and drink) out more when traveling.

Traveling costs (143 €) are mostly fuel for the car, and other costs (30 €) are some small toiletries / cosmetics purchases (7 €), a hair cut (4 €), prepaid data (14 €), and small entrance fees to sights (4 €). All in all we used 1001,75 € during the month, which is nicely almost 550 € under the budget.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 248,09 €
Traveling: 143,36 €
Groceries: 390,72 €
Restaurants: 189,56 €
Other costs: 30,02 €

TOTAL: 1 001,75 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -548,25 €

In September we started traveling again, after a long house-sit in Sofia. We headed to Rila Mountains in Bulgaria for some hiking, shortly visited Bansko in the Pirin Mountains and returned to Serbia for one more week. In the end of the month we drove through Bulgaria, via beautiful Plovdiv, to Turkey, where we settled in Istanbul for a week.

Accommodation costs were the biggest category this month, even if we stayed 8 nights free of charge house-sitting and 7 nights in our van in camping sites (on average 17 € per night). The rest of the nights we stayed in apartments and rooms booked via and Airbnb (on average 22 € per night). Traveling costs include mostly fuel but also some parking fees, road taxes and metro tickets. Restaurant costs are higher than usually, since when traveling, we eat our more often than when staying in one place longer. Other costs are mostly new sports gear, and with those purchases, total costs of the month were 1713 €, which exceeds our long term budget a bit.

Visited countries:
Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey

Accommodation: 450,38 €
Traveling: 140,62 €
Groceries: 310,95 €
Restaurants: 427,09 €
Other costs: 384,43 €

TOTAL: 1 713,47 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
213,47 €

Our long house-sit in Bulgaria continued still in August, so we stayed the whole month in Sofia. As we didn’t travel and the accommodation was free of charge, it was another low-cost month for us, third in the row.

Total costs of the month were 582 €, of which we used the biggest part, 379 €, for groceries. Restaurant costs were 188 €, including some dinners and evenings out in the craft beer pubs of Sofia. Traveling costs (6 €) are tickets to Sofia metro, and other costs (9 €) include some small purchases like toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 6,16 €
Groceries: 378,75 €
Restaurants: 187,70 €
Other costs: 9,25 €

TOTAL: 581,85 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -968,15 €

We stayed again the whole month in Sofia, Bulgaria, where we are house-sitting for the whole summer. We didn’t spend much money during the month, since we are staying home quite a lot and don’t really travel for now. Usually once a week we take the metro to the city center to spend the day there, eating out and tasting local craft beers.

In July we used altogether only 648 € for living. Again grocery costs (429 €, including also several bottles of wine and craft beer) were by far the biggest cost category, followed by restaurant costs (168,15 €, half of it to food and half to craft beer). Other costs (44,40 €) include new sunglasses, Netflix for a month and some cosmetics and toiletries. Traveling costs (6,16 €) are a 10 trip card to Sofia metro.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 6,16 €
Groceries: 429,38 €
Restaurants: 168,15 €
Other costs: 44,40 €

TOTAL: 648,08 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -901,92 €

We stayed the whole month in Sofia, Bulgaria, where we are house-sitting for the whole summer. We are staying in a big house with a lot of animals and big garden, so there is quite a lot to do “at home” and we won’t be doing longer trips than just day trips to the city.

The whole summer should be very budget-friendly, since we are mostly spending money on groceries. Of course we also go out and explore a bit, eating out in restaurants and participating some summer festivals and stuff like that.

In June we used altogether 684 €, groceries (358 €) being the biggest cost category (if feels like the prices in supermarkets raised quite a lot!). Other costs are mostly sports clothes, and traveling costs are fuel for the car.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 137,16 €
Groceries: 358,02 €
Restaurants: 74,46 €
Other costs: 114,23 €

TOTAL: 683,87 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -816,13 €

We started the month house-sitting in Budapest, then traveled around Serbia for three weeks and then in the end of the month crossed the border to Bulgaria. We enjoyed getting to know new destinations, and for a while focused more on traveling than working, so it almost felt like holiday.

Budget-wise May was a very moderate month, since even if we traveled more than usually, we managed to keep the costs down, mostly because Serbia is a very inexpensive country. Accommodation costs were moderate since we partly stayed for free (house-sitting, some collaboration nights and a couple of nights in our friends’ place). and in average paid 17,95 € per night for apartments, rooms and camping. We ate out quite a lot, but restaurant costs are still rather low. Travel costs are diesel for the van, some parking fees and metro tickets, and Other costs are mostly some clothes and cosmetics and tickets to sights.

Visited countries:
Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria

Accommodation: 322,19 €
Traveling: 77,87 €
Groceries: 280,77 €
Restaurants: 334,84 €
Other costs: 108,85 €

TOTAL: 1 124,52 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -425,48 €

We stayed the first three weeks of the month in Finland, vising family and friends and also doing a short house-sit for our family, taking care of dogs and chickens. In late April it was time to leave Finland behind again and continue our travels. Next destinations are again in Europe, and we’ll be traveling by car, and doing quite a lot of house-sits.

Accommodation costs are a hotel room and shared apartment in Poland and a camping site in Slovakia. Traveling costs are fuel for the car (very expensive at the moment in Finland and Baltic countries) and the ferry ride from Helsinki to Tallinn. Biggest cost category is once again groceries, that also include wine and craft beer. Other costs are mostly small presents to friends in Finland.

Visited countries:
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary

Accommodation: 83,42 €
Traveling: 420,13 €
Groceries: 532,39 €
Restaurants: 133,38 €
Other costs: 64,02 €

TOTAL: 1 233,33 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -266,67 €

The month began with traveling and house-sitting in Barcelona, Spain, but we stayed most of March in snowy Finland, working in Oulu Music Festival and to visit friends and family. It was a busy month with a lot of work and traveling too, but from budget point of view quite a low-cost one.

As we stayed most of the month with friends or house-sitting, accommodation costs were again low (172 €). Traveling costs (252 €) include rental car for one day in Barcelona, a bunch of metro rides, a flight to Finland from Barcelona and fuel for our car in Finland. In other costs (253 €) there are new running shoes for both of us and tickets to a football game in Barcelona, as well as some minor purchases like toiletries and cosmetics.

Visited countries:
Spain, Finland

Accommodation: 172,43 €
Traveling: 251,97 €
Groceries: 289,40 €
Restaurants: 199,05 €
Other costs: 253,16 €

TOTAL: 1 166,01 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -383,99 €

We stayed the whole February in sunny Spain – first in Alicante region, then in Mallorca island and the rest of the month in Barcelona. We did several house-sits, but also focused on traveling around, getting to know these beautiful areas of Spain.

From budget point of view it was not the cheapest month, even if the accommodation costs were again quite low (206 €). Traveling costs were higher than usually (296 €), including a flight from Valencia to Palma in Mallorca, ferry ride to Barcelona, rental car for three days in Mallorca and several bus and metro rides. Restaurant costs were a bit higher than usually (305 €) and mostly consist of tasting local brews in craft beer pubs. Other costs (169 €) are mostly sports clothes and accessories.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 205,97 €
Traveling: 296,04 €
Groceries: 382,01 €
Restaurants: 305,08 €
Other costs: 168,91 €

TOTAL: 1 358,01 €
BUDGET: 1400,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -41,99 €

Hello 2022! We rang in the new year in Finland, before flying in Spain on 4th of Jan. The first month of the year included one house-sit and some traveling around Andalusia. It was quite a budget-friendly month, even if the travel expenses were a bit bigger than usually.

Accommodation costs (236 €) include 6 nights in hostels and guesthouses in Spain (the rest we stayed house-sitting or with friends/family). Traveling costs (345 €) include flights to Spain and bus tickets between towns in Andalusia and onward to Murcia and Alicante.

Visited countries:
Finland, Spain

Accommodation: 235,68 €
Traveling: 345,39 €
Groceries: 426,82 €
Restaurants: 178,05 €
Other costs: 29,85 €

TOTAL: 1 215,25 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -334,75 €

Monthly cost summaries 2021

The last month of the year was quite a budget-friendly one, as we stayed most of the month house-sitting in Riga in Latvia, and the rest in Finland, visiting family and friends, and house-sitting for them too. Check the total costs of the whole 2021 in the yearly summary post.

Accommodation costs (161 €) include five nights in rental apartments in Latvia, Estonia and Finland. Traveling costs include two ferry rides between Estonia and Finland (114 €), and fuel for the car. Grocery costs were once again quite high (483 €, including wine and craft beer) but restaurant costs were super low (44 €). Other costs (47 €) include some small presents and a pair of jeans.

Visited countries:
Latvia, Finland

Accommodation: 161,20 €
Traveling: 314,87 €
Groceries: 482,62 €
Restaurants: 44,45 €
Other costs: 47,45 €

TOTAL: 1 050,59 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -499,41 €

November started in Poland, from where we moved to Latvia for a one-week house-sit. From Latvia we then drove to our home country Finland for a couple of weeks visit, mainly to participate an anniversary party of our former orchestra. All in all this was again a rather low-cost month, especially if we’d count out the costs and purchases at the anniversary party, such as entry fees, corona tests, some clothes, shoes and cosmetics.

Accommodation costs (53,49 €) are two nights in Airbnb apartments in Poland and one in a truck park. Otherwise we stayed with friends and family or were house-sitting. Traveling costs (385,93 €) include fuel for the car, ferry tickets from Tallinn to Helsinki, corona tests for entering Latvia and a couple of taxi rides in Finland. Grocery costs (324,63 €) include food and some souvenir wine bottles for friends and family in Finland. We didn’t eat or drink out much, so restaurant costs were just 68,04 €. Other costs (461,67 €) are related to the anniversary party.

Visited countries:
Poland, Latvia, Finland

Accommodation: 53,49 €
Traveling: 385,93 €
Groceries: 324,63 €
Restaurants: 68,04 €
Other costs: 461,67 €

TOTAL: 1293,79 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -206,21 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In October we stayed mostly in Berlin, where we were house-sitting and taking care of a lovely dog. On top of working and dog walks, we did some sightseeing and got to know the craft beer culture of the city. In the end of the month our journey continued to Poland, with a road trip through the central parts of the country.

This was a rather low-cost month. We had accommodation costs only in Poland (six nights, 116 €), and travel costs (47 €) are mostly tickets to metro in Berlin. Grocery costs (508 €) seem high, but include quite a lot local craft beer both in Berlin and in Poland, as do the restaurant costs too. In other costs there are a pair of new sneakers and some cosmetics and household goods.

Visited countries:
Germany, Poland

Accommodation: 116,49 €
Traveling: 47,01 €
Groceries: 508,47 €
Restaurants: 200,34 €
Other costs: 73,11 €

TOTAL: 945,42 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -604,58 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In early September it was time for hit the road again and begin the Season 5 of FinnsAway nomadic life, this time with a camper van. We traveled through the Baltic countries and Poland, stopping for a few days in Riga and Sopot on the way, and then settled in Berlin, Germany, where we have a six-week house-sit.

Cost-wise it was quite normal months, except that we still made some purchases for the car, and that when we got close to Berlin, the fuel pump of the car broke down and needed to be replaced. That is why the category other costs is so high, altogether 1 202 €, out of which the car repair cost was 860 € and equipment purchases for the car 232 €.

Visited countries:
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany

Accommodation: 133,33 €
Traveling: 224,82 €
Groceries: 471,06 €
Restaurants: 198,74 €
Other costs: 1202,40 €

TOTAL: 2230,36 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 730,36 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In August we stayed the whole month in Finland, visiting friends and relatives and building our camper van. In the end of the month we traveled from Oulu to southern Finland, from where we continued the journey abroad in early September.

Cost-wise it was a bipartite month; the costs of living were rather low, but we spent over 1000 euros (in the category other costs) for equipment needed in the van project, from insulation materials to interior design. Traveling costs include new passports for us and fuel for the car.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 61,00 €
Traveling: 243,12 €
Groceries: 315,74 €
Restaurants: 263,90 €
Other costs: 1176,17 €

TOTAL: 2059,93 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 509,93 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In July we were in our home-country Finland, visiting friends and family members around the country. We started from the south and then drove through eastern Finland to north and stayed in our former home town Oulu.

As we stayed with friends and family, there were no actual accommodation costs in July. The biggest cost category of the month was groceries (282 €), followed by restaurant costs (274 €). Restaurant costs are way higher than usually, but are mostly from just a couple of nights out with friends – drinks in restaurants and pubs are very expensive in Finland! Traveling costs (186 €) are mostly fuel for the car and other costs include a shirt, some presents for friends and some toiletries and cosmetics.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 186,20 €
Groceries: 281,81 €
Restaurants: 273,80 €
Other costs: 60,29 €

TOTAL: 802,10 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -747,90 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In June we headed through France and Germany towards north, for a summer visit in our home country Finland. On the way we stopped for a couple of weeks to house-sit in our friends’ house in Alsace, and then drove to Travemünde in Lübeck, northern Germany. From there we traveled to Finland with a cargo-passenger ferry in collaboration with Finnlines.

As we mostly stayed with friends and family and just one night in an Airbnb in Germany, the accommodation costs of the month were super low (21 €). The biggest cost category of the month (492 €) was groceries, but the sum includes also some souvenirs like wine. Traveling costs (243 €) are mostly fuel, but also include Covid-19 tests in Germany (20 € each) and a temporary passport to replace an outdated one (43 €). Other costs (149 €) include some presents to friends, a pair of shoes and some clothes.

In June we also invested in a small van, that will be turned into a camper during the summer. The cost of the car is not visible in the monthly breakdown, but will be in the yearly summary.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 21,15 €
Traveling: 243,06 €
Groceries: 491,75 €
Restaurants: 42,80 €
Other costs: 148,91 €

TOTAL: 947,67 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -552,33 €

Travel insurance for nomads

May was a month spent mostly on the road, traveling through Spain from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic coast. We did a short house-sit in Marbella in the beginning of the month, but spent most of the nights in apartments and rooms rented via Airbnb or, and thus the accommodation costs were the biggest cost category of the month.

Traveling costs are mostly fuel, but include also some metro and city bus tickets. We ate out way more than usually, since when on the road it’s not always possible to cook, and because it’s fun to taste local cuisine of course. Both the grocery costs and restaurant costs also include quite a lot local craft beers. Other costs include tickets to sights like Alhambra in Granada and the Royal Alcazar of Seville, purchases like shoes and some clothes, as well as some cosmetics and stuff.

We did exceed out long-term monthly budget target, but it still was still quite budget-friendly month, considering that we were traveling so much.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 488,67 €
Traveling: 223,09 €
Groceries: 440,42 €
Restaurants: 339,35 €
Other costs: 173,09 €

TOTAL: 1664,62 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 114,62 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In April we lived the whole month in Torrox Costa, in Andalusia, Spain. As we were not house-sitting and even did some short trips, like a weekend trip to Malaga, it was a more expensive month than usually, but still very budget friendly.

Grocery costs were again the biggest cost category, but the sum also includes a big box of craft beers ordered online from Galicia region (check out our  Craft Beer blog for beer related posts). We ate out a few times, and had some wine glasses in restaurants too. Traveling costs are mostly fuel, also some train and metro tickets in Malaga, and other costs include new trail running shoes for both of us, as well as some new sports clothes.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 209,35 €
Traveling: 81,22 €
Groceries: 455,75 €
Restaurants: 131,70 €
Other costs: 144,64 €

TOTAL: 1022,66 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -477,34 €

Travel insurance for nomads

We stayed almost the whole March in Velez-Rubio in Almeria, and moved back to coastal Malaga in the end of the month. As traveling is still very limited in Spain, we stayed put, focused on work projects and enjoyed the peacefulness and nature of Velez-Rubio. We were house-sitting at first, but then rented an apartment from our friend in his three-apartment house. It was again a low-cost month, with just some rental and housing costs, basic grocery costs and a couple of dinners in restaurants.

Visited countries:

Accommodation + heating: 276 €
Traveling: 0 €
Groceries: 313,43 €
Restaurants: 73,90 €
Other costs: 13,27 €

TOTAL: 676,60 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -873,40 €

Travel insurance for nomads

We stayed the whole month of February house-sitting in Andalusia, Spain. The first three weeks we were in Torrox on Malaga coast, and in the end of the month moved back to Velez-Rubio in Almeria. As we were house-sitting, there was no accommodation costs, and February was again a budget-friendly month for us.

The biggest cost category was once again groceries, that in February included quite a lot craft beer costs too, since we ordered a box of Spanish artisan beers online, and also visited a craft beer store in Frigiliana. Not the cheapest hobby, but it’s always fun to taste and rate new quality brews. Traveling costs are fuel for the car, and restaurant costs are one menu del dia lunch in Torrox.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 67 €
Groceries: 508,51 €
Restaurants: 20,00 €
Other costs: 17,57 €

TOTAL: 613,08 €
BUDGET: 1400,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -786,92 €

Travel insurance for nomads

The new year begun in Velez-Rubio in Andalusia, Spain, where we were house-sitting and taking care of Scobi the dog. In mid January we moved to the coast of Almeria, and stayed for a couple of weeks in an Airbnb apartment in a quiet holiday destination called Roquetas de Mar.

January was again a quite cheap month, even if we had accommodation costs for the Roquetas de Mar apartment. As usual especially during the corona times, the biggest cost category was grocery costs. Traveling costs are fuel for the car.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 231,43 €
Traveling: 46,94 €
Groceries: 396,21 €
Restaurants: 27,50 €
Other costs: 21,99 €

TOTAL: 724,07 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -825,93 €

Travel insurance for nomads

Monthly cost summaries 2020

We stayed the first half of the month still in Dordogne, France, continuing our housesit. In mid December it was time to move again, after staying put for three and a half months. We had another housesit gig agreed in southern Spain in Andalusia, so we packed the car and headed south, and settled in small Velez-Rubio for the next weeks.

Cost-wise December was again a cheap month, though we spent a bit more than in previous months. Most of the costs are again groceries (including some craft beer and wine), but for the first time in months we also ate out in a restaurant once! Due to the long drive, there are also fuel costs and accommodation for one night on the way to Andalusia.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 23,25 €
Traveling: 75,00 €
Groceries: 473,27 €
Restaurants: 28,50 €
Other costs: 34,20 €

TOTAL: 634,22 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -915,78 €

Travel insurance for nomads

Our house-sit in France was extended to mid-December, so we stayed the whole month put in Dordogne. We couldn’t do any traveling or sightseeing, as the whole country was under a lockdown. We went out only to buy groceries and to exercise.

It was again a very cheap month, since we didn’t have any accommodation, travel or restaurant costs. The only purchases were food, wine and some household goods from grocery stores. Grocery costs include also two boxes of craft beer, that we ordered online (114 €).

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 0,00 €
Groceries: 449,15 €
Restaurants: 0 €
Other costs: 7,51 €

TOTAL: 456,66 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -1043,34 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In October we were house sitting in Dordogne area in France for the whole month. We stayed a lot at home, working and enjoying the quiet countryside, but also made some short day trips to explore the surrounding areas, medieval villages and castles.

It was another very cheap month in a row, with total costs under 500 €. As we had no accommodation costs and didn’t go to restaurants (there even aren’t any in this tiny village), the biggest cost category was groceries, 436 €. Traveling costs (30 €) is fuel for the car, and other costs (33 €) mostly include some household goods.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 30,00 €
Groceries: 436,11 €
Restaurants: 0 €
Other costs: 32,52 €

TOTAL: 498,63 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -1051,37 €

Travel insurance for nomads

We stayed the whole month in France, basically house sitting the whole time, but as we moved from Alsace in the east to Dordogne in south-west, we stayed one night on the way in an Airbnb. Otherwise we mostly stayed “home” the whole month, making just day visits to nearby towns and villages.

September was a cheap month, with total costs under 500 €, which is roughly 16 euros per day for the two of us together. The biggest cost category is naturally groceries (326 €), followed by restaurant costs (81 €). All in all we used 408 € for food and drinks during the month. Accommodation costs (30 €) are for the one night stay in an Airbnb in Moulins, and traveling costs (25 €) are fuel for the car. In other costs (23 €) there are some cleaning supplies and toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 29,93 €
Traveling: 25,00 €
Groceries: 326,44 €
Restaurants: 81,45 €
Other costs: 22,61 €

TOTAL: 485,43 €
BUDGET: 1500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -1014,57 €

Travel insurance for nomads

We stayed the first and the last week of the month house sitting for our friends in Alsace, France, but in mid August we took a two-weeks holiday from work and traveled. We drove to Chamonix and hiked the famous Tour du Mont Blanc, walking eight days (plus a rest day) around the mountain massif in France, Italy and Switzerland. As we camped and cooked ourselves, the hike was much more affordable than if staying in mountain huts, but still it raised our costs.

Total costs of the month were 1744 €, which exceeds our budget (50 € per day) a bit. However, this sum includes a new set of tires to our car (241 € incl. installation) and a lot of new sports gear, like two new running shoes, one pair of trekking shoes, pair of hiking sticks and quite a lot of new clothes (all together 377 €). So big part of the costs are actually purchases for longer term.

Accommodation costs (241 €) are 12 nights in camping sites, and traveling costs (125 €) are fuel for the car. Costs for eating and drinking sum up to 722 €, out of which 508 € were used in grocery stores and 214 € in restaurants.

Visited countries:
France, Italy (hiking), Switzerland (hiking), Germany (car repair and shopping)

Accommodation: 240,56 €
Traveling: 124,56 €
Groceries: 507,89 €
Restaurants: 214,15 €
Other costs: 656,73 €

TOTAL: 1743,89 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 193,89 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In early July we finally hit the road again, traveling first to southern Finland to meet with friends and then to Poland via Baltic countries, staying a few days in each capital. From Warsaw we took a bus to Colmar in Alsace, France, to go to live in the house of our friends in a nearby village. As we were on the move, it was more expensive month than the previous ones, but still slightly under our budget target.

The biggest cost category was restaurants, as we spent 416 € for eating and drinking out. Majority of this sum was used in craft beer in the Baltics and Poland. The second biggest category was accommodation, 351 €. We stayed 19 nights in hostels or guesthouses (in average 18,50 € per room per night) and 11 nights for free with friends or family. Traveling costs were naturally bigger than usually this year, 263 €, which consists mostly of tickets for long haul buses between countries.

Visited countries:
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France

Accommodation: 351,44 €
Traveling: 262,76 €
Groceries: 345,16 €
Restaurants: 415,57 €
Other costs: 67,38 €

TOTAL: 1442,31 €
BUDGET: 1550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -107,69 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In June we stayed still in Finland, but towards the end of the month started to plan new adventures abroad and traveled to southern Finland to visit some friends before leaving the country in early July. The costs of the month were in total 1059 €, so 35 € per day for two of us, so it was again relatively cost-efficient month, but on the other hand we didn’t travel or eat out much.

The biggest cost category was again grocery costs, 497 €, that includes food, wine and some craft beer. As the restaurants opened up their doors and summer terraces in the beginning of May, we used 214 € during the month in bars and restaurants, mostly for drinks in sunny terraces when meeting with friends. Accommodation costs, 154 €, is the small rent that we paid for staying in our friends apartment for most of the month, and traveling costs, 68 €, are train tickets from Oulu to Vaala and from Tampere to Vantaa. Other costs, 125 €, include some clothes, some presents to friends that we visited and some other small purchases like toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 154 €
Traveling: 68 €
Groceries: 469,78 €
Restaurants: 214,40 €
Other costs: 125,47 €

TOTAL: 1058,65 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -495,35 €

Travel insurance for nomads

Due to coronavirus pandemic and related travel restrictions, we stayed the whole month in northern Finland, staying with friends and family. Total costs of the month were 1053 €, which is 34 € per day for two of us.

The biggest cost category was once again grocery costs, 616 €, though this also includes quite also wine and craft beer, which is not cheap in Finland.

Accommodation costs, 126 €, are the small rent that we paid to our friends for staying two weeks in their apartment, and travel costs, 20 €, are fuel for a car that we borrowed to go to Rokua for a work meeting (and a trail run).

As we left most of our clothes in southern Finland in February and only brought winter clothes to Oulu, we needed to buy some summer gear. In other costs, in total 240 €, are also some presents to friends that we visited and some small purchases like cosmetics and toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 126 €
Traveling: 20 €
Groceries: 615,55 €
Restaurants: 52,00 €
Other costs: 239,85 €

TOTAL: 1053,40 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -496,60 €


Travel insurance for nomads

Due to coronavirus pandemic, we stayed the whole month in northern Finland, staying with friends and family. Total costs were 712,65 €, so it was a very budget friendly month all in all, but we really wouldn’t mind spending more, if only we could travel again soon!

Grocery costs are quite high, 641 € in total, but over 40 % of that sum was used in wine and craft beer… Alcohol taxation is very high in Finland, so for example a bottle of decent wine costs nearly 10 € and a bottle of craft beer by Finnish microbreweries costs roughly 3,50 € in grocery stores.

Restaurant costs for the month are next to nothing, mostly because they are allowed to just sell take away food. Other costs, 61 €, include some accessories and toiletries.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 0 €
Groceries: 640,59 €
Restaurants: 11,40 €
Other costs: 60,66 €

TOTAL: 712,65 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -787,35 €


Travel insurance for nomads

We will remember March 2020 as one of the weirdest months ever, as COVID-19 hit hard also Europe, and we got stuck in Finland for who knows how long. We are happy to be in our home country in this situation though, and it doesn’t effect on our work really, just travels are on hold.

Regarding costs, March was not a very expensive month, since we stayed with our friends and didn’t travel anywhere, except to their cottage in Rokua. Total costs of the month were 775 €, which is 25 € per person per day. Most of the costs are food and drinks – we spent 540 € in grocery stores and liqueur stores (you just need some wine every ones in a while when in corona quarantine…) and another 135 € in restaurants.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 100,00 €
Traveling: 0 €
Groceries: 539,91 €
Restaurants: 135,20 €

TOTAL: 775,11 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -774,89 €


We stayed the first 10 days of February in Puerto Peñasco, northwest Mexico. We were supposed to be house-sitting, but as there was a last minute cancellation, we ended up staying in an airbnb apartment instead (but with no costs to us). After Mexico we started our journey back to Finland via USA and Netherlands. We stayed a couple of days in Phoenix Arizona, and then one week house-sitting in New York, taking care of two cute dogs. In the end of the month we stayed five days in Amsterdam before flying to Finland.

Total costs of the month were 1 823 €, which is 62,87 € per day for us two. This means that we exceeded our monthly budget, but it’s no wonder really, as this sum includes three flights. Travel costs were in total 690 €, not bad for three flights and a lot of local transportation in US and in Amsterdam. Accommodation costs were 225 €, so 14,66 € per night, even if we stayed half of the month without any costs – especially Amsterdam is an expensive city!

We used all together 534 € for food and drinks during the month – 267 € grocery stores and another 267 € in restaurants. When in US, we of course had to visit local microbreweries, and try new craft beers. Delicious, but not a very cheap hobby! Other costs, 174 €, include some new clothes, cosmetics, toiletries and other small purchases.

Visited countries:
Mexico, USA, The Netherlands, Finland

Accommodation: 425,20 €
Traveling: 689,87 €
Groceries: 267,39 €
Restaurants: 266,61 €
Other costs: 174,18 €

TOTAL: 1 823,25 €
BUDGET: 1 450,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 373,25 €

The year began house-sitting in Mexico City, and during January we traveled in Central Mexico. Total costs of the month were 1226,03 € (39,55 € per day for us two) which is nicely under our budget target of max 50 € per day.

Since we stayed over half of the month free of charge – in total 17 nights house-sitting (in Mexico City and in San Miguel de Allende) and two nights with friends in Queretaro – the accommodation costs of the month were only 178 €.

Traveling costs, 381 €, include our 6 days car rental from Mexico City for trip to Puebla and surrounding volcanoes (119 €), fuel for the car (33 €), road tolls (11 €), a flight from Guadalajara to Hermosillo (67 € for two) and two longer bus trips (71 €).

Regarding eating and drinking, we used in total 309 € in restaurants and 300 € in grocery stores. As always, when there was a kitchen available, we cooked basically all the meals ourselves. Most of the restaurant costs actually are of tasting local craft beers. Other costs, 57 € include some medications, a new bag for our passports, toiletries and other small purchases.

Visited countries:

Accommodation: 178,25 €
Traveling: 381,45 €
Groceries: 299,87 €
Restaurants: 309,49 €
Other costs: 56,96 €

TOTAL: 1 226,03 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -332,97 €

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Monthly cost summaries 2019

In December we continued our tour in Central America, exploring Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The last ten days of the month we stayed in Mexico city, house-sitting and taking care of a funny cat called Finn. Since we traveled a lot and also bought flights from San Salvador to CDMX, it was a quite expensive month. With total costs of 1372,22 €, we still managed to maintain our monthly budget.

Accommodation costs of the month sum up to 282 €, even if we stayed one third of the month house-sitting. In Central America we stayed mostly in private rooms, with an average price of 14,8 €. Travel costs, 306,30 €, include our flight to CDMX (244 € for us two), several long distance bus tickets in Central America and local transportation in Mexico City.

Restaurant costs of the month were higher than normally, 389 €. Partly this is because we stayed some nights in resort accommodations without guest kitchen, and partly because we bought quite a lot of craft beers, even stayed a few nights in a combined lodge & brewery 🙂 Grocery costs sum up to 319 €. Other costs, 78 €, are mostly entrance fees to nature parks and archaeological sites.

Visited countries:
Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico

Accommodation: 282,07 €
Traveling: 306,30 €
Groceries: 319,16 €
Restaurants: 388,86 €
Other costs: 77,83 €

TOTAL: 1 374,22 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -175,78 €

Read also: 2019 summary

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In November we traveled in Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, in Belize and in Rio Dulce area in Guatemala. Since we were on the road a lot, it was a rather expensive month, but we still managed to maintain our budget. Total costs of the months were 1322,22 €, which is on average 44,07 € per day for the two of us together.

Traveling costs were altogether 281,14 €. This includes close to twenty separate bus or minivan trips between cities and towns, a rather expensive boat ride from Punta Gorda in Belize to Livingston in Guatemala (56,07 € for two), exit fees from Belize (37,38 €) and a boat ride from Livingston to Rio Dulce (30,12 €).

Accommodation costs, 395,80 €, were the biggest cost segment of the month. Most of the places that we stayed in were still quite inexpensive, and the average cost per night (mostly double rooms or apartments) was 13,19 €. We used 302,28 € in restaurants during the month, even though we cooked our meals whenever we had a kitchen in use. Grocery costs were 283,10 €, so all together we used 585,38 € for food and drinks during the month. This divides down to 19,51 € per day for us two.

When staying in Merida in Yucatan, we finally went to a gym since there was one close to our apartment. Three times in gym cost 14,29 € together. In other costs (45,62 €) are ATM fees (19,23 € for five separate withdraws), tickets to attractions (Tulum ruins, Becan ruins, Zaci cenote), laundry costs and some necessities.

Visited countries:
Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras

Accommodation:395,80 ​€
Traveling: 281,14 €
Groceries: 283,10 €
Restaurants: 302,28 €
Fitness: 14,29 €
Other costs: 45,62 €

TOTAL: 1 322,22 €

BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -177,78 €

Travel insurance for nomads

In October we started our adventure in Cuba, Mexico and Central America! Compared to the past couple months of staying put, working, house sitting and not eating out, our expenses went sky-high. First time since this FinnsAway journey begun in August 2017, we flew over the ocean, and were basically on the move for the whole month. That increased the traveling costs of course, and meant that we exceeded our monthly budget target this month. Total costs of the months were 1940,74 €, which is on average 71,37 € per day for the two of us together.

The biggest cost segment in October was traveling costs, all together 717,52 €. This includes the flights from Belgium to Cuba (345,98 € for us two) and from Cuba to Mexico (222,11 €), as well as a train from Colmar to Paris in France (49 €), bus from Paris to Brussels (17,98 €) and all the public transportation cost during 16 days in Cuba and 10 days in Yucatan in Mexico.

Accommodation costs were somewhat high also, 411,58 € all together, mostly because we stayed two nights in Brussels and paid whopping 57,70 € for a hotel room per night! Otherwise we paid in average around 11 € for rooms or apartments. As usual, we mostly booked via or Airbnb. Restaurant costs also increased a lot in October, since in Cuba we couldn’t really cook our meals. In addition, we ate out and had some drinks in Paris and Brussels, and that is not cheap. Altogether we used 404,29 € in restaurants, so 13,04 € per day.

Groceries costs, 307,35 €, are surprisingly high taking into account that we didn’t really buy groceries for cooking in Cuba. We still spent quite some pesos buying water, soda, beer and rum. Also, during the last 10 days of the month in Mexico we had kitchen in use in all the places we stayed in, so we cooked most of our meals. Other costs, 99,99 € include one pair of new running shoes, some cosmetics and sunscreen bottles, antibiotics and laundry costs.

Visited countries: France, Belgium, Cuba, Mexico

Accommodation:411,58 ​€
Traveling: 717,53 €
Groceries: 307,35 €
Restaurants: 404,29 €
Other costs: 99,99 €

TOTAL: 1940,74 €

BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 390,74 €

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In September our costs remained on low level, as we were house sitting  basically the whole month, first in our friends house in Alsace, France, and then around 10 days in small Engen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In Engen we also took care of two lovely dogs and a garden, from where we could pick up some fresh veggies for cooking. We didn’t go out and exploring much, but focused on work with customer projects and the blog instead. Our costs would actually have been record blow without the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook…

Total costs of the month were 860,82 €, so on average 30,77 € per day for the two of us together. However, over 500 euros of that sum went down the drain when Thomas Cook collapsed, since we lost our flight tickets to Cuba. Without that, the costs of the month were only 328,66 €.

We didn’t need pay for accommodation, and didn’t eat out in restaurants. We used 209,41 € for groceries, including some wine bottles, and 9,40 € for  some beers in a restaurant.

Traveling costs, 30 €, are diesel for the car. Other costs, 612,01 € include the lost flight tickets and in addition some medical bills and antibiotics.

Visited countries: France, Germany

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 30 €
Groceries: 209,41 €
Restaurants: 9,40 €
Other costs: 612,01 €

TOTAL: 860,82 €

BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -639,18 €

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Auto Europe Car Rental

August was a very cheap month for us, since we spent the whole month house sitting and working in France. After almost two months on a road trip, it was time to settle down for a few weeks and work with customer projects and the blog. During the month we didn’t pay for accommodation, and mostly just stayed home, didn’t even eat out in restaurants. Total costs of the month were 558,71 €, so on average 18,02 € per day for the two of us together.

Majority of the monthly budget we used for food and drinks, in total 431,64 €. Most of these costs are groceries (and wine) that we bought from supermarkets, and 48 € were spent for drinks out in village festivals and in a microbrewery. As we were house sitting just about 20 km from German border and have our car here, we did most of the grocery shopping in Germany.

Traveling costs, 30 €, are diesel for the car. Other costs, 97,07 € are this time mostly medical bills. Toni needed to see a doctor a couple of times and buy some antibiotics, which cost 89,15 €. In addition there are some toiletries and other necessities.

Visited countries: France

Accommodation: 0 €
Traveling: 30 €
Groceries: 383,64 €
Restaurants: 48 €
Other costs: 97,07 €

TOTAL: 558,71 €

BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -991,29 €

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Auto Europe Car Rental

We were on a road trip the whole month, in northern Spain, Andorra and southern France. In July we focused on actually traveling, exploring and hiking, and didn’t stay long in one location. We rarely had even wifi, and the road trip was something like a summer holiday for us. Total costs of June were 1379,62 €, so on average 44,50 € per day for the two of us together. This includes all the costs along the road trip, with some unplanned purchases also.

Accommodation costs for the month were in total 322,59 €. We stayed most of the nights in camping sites, and together 7 nights in Airbnb. Also, we stayed five nights wild camping for free, three nights without charge in a camping site for which we did some marketing in exchange, and the last two nights of the month again house-sitting in our friends house in France. For those interested in camping prices, we paid in average 18,3 € for a pitch in Spain, and 11,1 € in France – we could say that it’s much easier to find affordable sites in France.

Traveling costs, 176,72 € in total, are mostly fuel. In addition, there are some tickets for local transport in Lyon and parking in Geneva. Diesel costs around 1,45 € per liter in France, 1,2 € in Spain and 1,0 € in Andorra.

We spent all together 637 € for food and drinks during the month, out of it 408,83 € in grocery stores, and 228,17 € in restaurants. We cooked most of the meals, but ate also out a few times. Grocery costs include quite many bottles of French and Spanish wine, and restaurant costs include some beers also.

Other costs, 243,31 in total, are a bit higher than usually. This is because our car was broken into while we were camping in Montserrat, and we needed to replace some electronics, clothes and cosmetics that were stolen. Don’t worry, we lost nothing too valuable, but will need to make some more purchases still in August.

Visited countries: France, Andorra, Spain, Switzerland

Accommodation: 322,59 €
Traveling: 176,72 €
Groceries: 408,83 €
Restaurants: 228,17 €
Other costs: 243,31 €

TOTAL: 1 379,62 €

BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -170,38 €

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Auto Europe Car Rental

We spent the first week of June house-sitting in Alsace, France, and the rest of the month on a road trip in southern France, also visiting Monaco, and in northern Spain. So this month was more about traveling around than staying in one location, and we didn’t work much after the first week, so I guess you could say that we were on a holiday from the “normal” digital nomad life. We made the road trip by our own car (it has been parked in Alsace for most of the year), and had our own camping gear with us. Total costs of June were 1290,30 €, so on average 43,01 € per day for the two of us together.

Accommodation costs for the month were 324,11 € in total. Most of the nights that we paid for, we stayed in camping sites, and together 4 nights in Airbnb or in a hotel. Camping might sound like a cheap option, but actually there is no bug difference in the price between camping and staying indoors, and average price for a night was 18,01 €. Together 12 nights were free of charge, either house-sitting or making marketing collaboration.

Traveling costs, 237,06 € in total, are mostly fuel, and some bus tickets for local transport in Cannes. Diesel costs around 1,45 € per liter in France, depending on the area and gas station, the ones along motorways seemed to be the most expensive. In Spain the fuel is a bit cheaper, around 1,2 € per liter. In the first day of the road trip we drove to the German border, to fill up the car and buy groceries, as the prices are cheaper there than in French side.

We spent all together 586,87 € for food and drinks during the month, out of it 403,17 € in grocery stores, and 183,7 € in restaurants. Groceries are quite expensive in France actually, which shows in the total sum. We mostly cooked our meals, also when camping, and only ate out a few times. Grocery costs include also quite many bottles of wine, as we were traveling through some excellent wine areas!

In other costs, 142,26 € in total, the biggest cost is car repair (107 €), we had to get the brakes fixed. Other costs also include gas bottles for cooking and some clothes and toiletries. Fitness costs were zero, as we didn’t go to gym at all (should really do something about that in the near future).

Visited countries: France, Monaco, Spain

Accommodation: 324,11 €
Traveling: 237,06 €
Groceries: 403,17 €
Restaurants: 183,70 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 142,26 €

TOTAL: 1 290,30 €

BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: – 209,70 €

Auto Europe Car Rental

We stayed most of the month in Cyprus, first house and pet sitting in Agios Tychon for still for a couple of days, and then later another 10 days in Kolossi, the same place where we have done three house sits earlier. Between the sits we rented a car for a week, drove to an Airbnb in a little Vikla village near Paphos. The village was a charming home base, from where we made road trips to Akamas Peninsula, Paphos Forest and Troodos Mountains. Between the house sits we also stayed a couple of days in Limassol. In the end of the month we flew to Vienna in Austria, stayed there two days, took a night bus to Strasbourg in France, and after a day sightseeing, a BlaBlaCar ride to Gueberschwihr village, where we house sit in our friends home.

Total costs of May 2009 were 1271,81 €, so on average 41,03 € per day for two of us. Accommodation costs are quite low because of house and pet sitting a lot, but still we spent 255,16 € for accommodation. As the summer season is near, accommodation price in Cyprus are rising, and finding budget accommodation from Vienna was quite challenging, nothing but dorm beds available with under 30 € for two.

Traveling costs are much higher than usual, 402,10 € in total. This includes the rental car and gasoline in Cyprus (166,32 €), flights to Vienna (107,87 €), bus to Strasbourg (70 €), BlaBlaCar ride (18 €) and bunch of tickets to local buses and metro. Taking into account that we not just drove around Cyprus for a week, but traveled all the way to France via Austria, the travel costs are very moderate after all. When on a move, we ate more in restaurants than usual, but still cooked majority of the meals ourselves. Groceries are not particularly cheep in Cyprus, and we used over 300 euros for food, and another 200 euros in restaurants. These include all the drinks of course too. All in all, it was the most expensive month of the year so far, but still well under our budget limit of 50 € per day for two. Next couple of months we will be on a road trip in southern Europe, let’s see if it’s still possible to maintain the budget!

Visited countries: Cyprus, Austria, France

Accommodation: 255,16 €
Traveling: 402,10 €
Groceries: 335,98 €
Restaurants: 224,15 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 54,42 €

TOTAL: 1 271,81 €

BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: – 278,19 €

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We stayed the first half of the month in our home country Finland, where we visited friends and family members after we had worked in Oulu Music Festival in March. FinnsAway Season 3 began in 16th of April, when we flew from Helsinki to Burgas in Bulgaria. We explored Burgas and Sofia just for three days before continuing to Cyprus, where we spent the rest of the month house and pet sitting in Agios Tychon village near Limassol.

Since we stayed most of the month with friends, the accommodation costs were very low. Total costs of the month were still over 1 000 € (1028,93 € for the two of us), partly because everything, for example food, is pretty expensive in Finland, and because there are over 200 euros worth of traveling costs like the flights Sofia to Paphos in Cyprus and some bus and train tickets. The flights from Finland to Bulgaria were basically free to us, since we paid them with Norwegian flight bonus points, that we have gathered using our Norwegian Credit cards. (If you are from Nordic countries, we warmly recommend using this credit card, check it out here).

In Bulgaria we paid 13 € per night for hostel and airbnb room, and stayed the first night in Paphos in a hotel that cost 20 € plus 10 euros for breakfast buffet for two. So the accommodation costs altogether were 59,02 €. Over 50 % chunk of all out costs in April consists of groceries and eating (and drinking) out. Other costs include some new clothes and cosmetics for the music festival work (tried to avoid the shabby backpacker look and look like normal human beings, ha-ha).

Visited countries: Finland, Bulgaria, Cyprus

Accommodation: 59,02 €
Traveling: 198,13 €
Groceries: 392,66 €
Restaurants: 188,03 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 191,09 €

TOTAL:  1 028,93 €

BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -471,07 €

Bank Norwegian ad

As in last year, we spent March in Finland. We call this yearly visit a work&holiday, since it consists of two parts; working as a part of the crew in Oulu Music Festival, and visiting friends and family members. We spent the first three days of the month in southern Finland, and the rest of the month in and around our former home town Oulu, staying in our friends house and cabin.

Cost-wise the month was OK, as we spent altogether 916,07 € (29,55 € per day for two of us). In general, Finland is an expensive country to live and travel in, and it’s almost impossible to find budget accommodation. Our costs are low, since we stayed with friends and family. Eating out and especially drinking is expensive in Finland, so our restaurant costs are higher than usually, even if didn’t go out very often.

Traveling costs are low, only 25,60 €, that consists of using local trains around Helsinki. We flew with Norwegian from Helsinki to Oulu, but payed the tickets with flight bonus points that we have gathered from using Bank Norwegian credit card. It’s a great credit card really, also because withdrawing money is cost free in most of the countries! If you are from Nordic countries, we warmly recommend using this credit card, check it out here.

Visited countries: Finland

Accommodation: 0,00 €
Traveling: 25,60 €
Groceries: 371,30 €
Restaurants: 420,42 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 98,75 €

TOTAL: 916,07 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: – 633,93 €

In February we continued our nomad life in Cyprus. We stayed part of the month house- and pet-sitting in Kolossi near Limassol, a few days with our friend in Nicosia, and also made a short road trip in North Cyprus, in Karpaz Peninsula. In the end of the month we flew with our travel companion AirBaltic via Riga to Finland.

Accommodation costs in February were low due to house-sitting and staying in our friends place. Also, we didn’t eat out much, so restaurant costs are quite low as well. Traveling costs include car rent in North Cyprus for three days, fuel costs and some bus tickets between cities.

All together we spent 785,41 € (28,05 € per day for two of us) in February, which means that it was one of the cheapest months during our nomad life.

Visited countries: Cyprus, Latvia & Finland

Accommodation: 83,00 €
Traveling: 110,84 €
Groceries: 303,21 €
Restaurants: 200,79 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 87,57 €

TOTAL: 785,41 €
BUDGET: 1 400,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -614,59 €

New nomad year started in Cyprus, and we stayed there the whole January. We spent the first two days with our friend living in the capital Nicosia, and then moved to the village of Kolossi for our first house sit via the Trusted Housesitters. We looked after four adorable dogs, five cats and a house while the owners were away. It was a great experience, and we went back for another sit in the end of the month. In between the sits, friends from Finland came to Cyprus for a holiday, and we explored the island together for 9 days.

Accommodations costs were low in January, since we only paid for 11 nights. House sitting is free of charge of course, and two nights we stayed in our friend’s place in Nicosia. On the other hand, the amount of other costs is higher than usual, since we bought a new pair of trail running shoes, sports sunglasses for both of us and some other sports gear and necessities.

All in all we spent 987,60 € (31,86 € per day for two of us) in January, which is below the average.

Visited countries: Cyprus

Accommodation: 140,80 €
Traveling: 102,63 €
Groceries: 353,56 €
Restaurants: 215,31 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 175,30 €
Fixed costs 0,00 €

TOTAL: 987,60 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -562,40 €

Monthly cost summaries 2018

We stayed the first week of December in United Arab Emirates, a destination that was not as expensive as we had assumed. We actually managed to maintain our daily budget of 50 euros for two with ease in UAE. The rest of the month we spent in Cyprus, staying a couple of days in Larnaca, 10 days in Agios Tychon, a village near Limassol, and a week in the capital Nicosia, where we stayed free of charge in our friends apartment.

Visited countries: United Arab EmiratesCyprus

Accommodation: 389,06 €
Traveling: 87,79 €
Groceries: 297,87 €
Restaurants: 340,15 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 21,92 €

TOTAL:   1 136,79 €
DAILY AVERAGE:   36,67 € 
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -413,21 €

We started the month with a nearly two weeks trip to Azerbaijan, visiting the capital Baku and smaller town of Sheki. Otherwise we stayed mostly in Batumi, Georgia. In the end of the month we flew to Abu Dhabi in UAE.

Azerbaijan was maybe even a bit more affordable country to travel than Georgia. Especially accommodation prices were cheap, as well as bus trips and train tickets. Before arriving in UAE, we thought that prices there are sky-high, but quickly learned that it’s possible to travel with a low budget even in there. Budget posts opening up all the costs of both Caucasus and UAE are coming soon!

Costs in November were all together 1224,78 €. The amount of other costs is high due to dental operation, and the sum also includes a travel insurance for UAE.

Visited countries: Georgia, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates
Accommodation: 256,86 €
Traveling: 159,87 €
Groceries: 198,55 €
Restaurants: 275,73 €
Fitness: 36,56 €
Other costs: 297,20 € 

TOTAL:  1 224,78 € 
DAILY AVERAGE:  43,76 € 
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -275,22 €

Another month in very affordable Caucasus. We stayed most of the month in Batumi, making just short day trips out of the city. In the end of the month we traveled to Yerevan in Armenia over a Lesser Caucasus mountain ridge, visiting towns of Khulo and Akhaltsikhe on the way. Other costs were higher than usual due to a still ongoing dental operation. Wider cost posts regarding traveling in Caucasus will follow soon!

Visited countries: Georgia, Armenia
Accommodation: 255,26 €

Traveling: 104,60 €
Groceries: 180,79 €
Restaurants: 275,02 €
Fitness: 12,65 €
Other costs: 163,86 €

TOTAL: 992,18 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -457,82 €

A pretty cheap month in Caucasus, staying in cities and hiking on the mountains. Other costs were higher than usual due to a dental operation.

Visited countries: Georgia Accommodation: 340,33 €
Traveling: 57,00 €
Groceries: 153,05 €
Restaurants: 319,97 €
Fitness: 38,67 €
Other costs: 141,33 €

TOTAL: 1 050,35 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -449,65 €

Budget-friendly month due to three weeks of house-sitting in France. In the end of the month we flew to Caucasus.

Visited countries: France, Latvia, Belarus, Georgia
Accommodation: 231,53 €
Traveling: 97,36 €
Groceries: 288,87 €
Restaurants: 261,88 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 49,45 €

TOTAL: 929,09 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -620,91 €

Budget-friendly month on a road trip in Czech Republic and three weeks house-sitting in France.

Visited countries: Czech Republic, Germany, France
Accommodation: 98,82 €

Traveling: 119,05 €
Groceries: 326,50 €
Restaurants: 336,14 €
Fitness: 12,00 €
Other costs: 3,43 €

TOTAL: 895,94 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -654,06 €

On a road trip from Athens to Czech Republic. Exceeded our budget due to high traveling costs (ferry from Greece to Italy and some car maintenance) and a minor road accident (136 € in other costs)

Visited countries: Greece, Italy, San Marino, Czech Republic
Accommodation: 271,57 €

Traveling: 715,57 €
Groceries: 321,78 €
Restaurants: 316,16 €
Fitness 6,27 €
Other costs: 236,58 €

TOTAL: 1 867,93 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: 367,93 €

Exploring Portugal and a short press trip to Siberia. Average month from cost perspective. Check out a detailed cost post from Portugal.

Visited countries: Portugal, Latvia, Russia
Accommodation: 384,08 €

Traveling: 315,81 €
Groceries: 317,81 €
Restaurants: 270,10 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs 4,19 €

TOTAL: 1 291,99 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -258,01 €

Two weeks in Finland visiting friends and family, then via Latvia to Portugal. Pretty expensive month even if we didn’t pay for accommodation in Finland.

Visited countries: Finland, Latvia, Portugal
Accommodation:257,85 €

Traveling: 183,30 €
Groceries: 440,29 €
Restaurants: 489,15 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 69,75 €

TOTAL: 1 440,34 €
BUDGET: 1 500,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -59,66 €

Couple of days in Cyprus and then off to Finland to work and visit friends. Budget-friendly month since  we didn’t travel around and didn’t pay for accommodation in Finland.

Visited countries: Cyprus, Finland
Accommodation: 47,28 €

Traveling :19,00 €
Groceries: 257,03 €
Restaurants: 392,97 €
Fitness: 0,00 €
Other costs: 107,80 €

TOTAL: 824,08 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -725,92 €

Week on  a road trip in Peloponnese, then to explore Cyprus for the rest of the month. From cost perspective an average month. Travel costs include a flight from Athens to Larnaca. Check also a separate cost post about Cyprus.

Visited countries: Greece, Cyprus
Accommodation: 397,12 €

Traveling: 227,67 €
Groceries: 282,30 €
Restaurants: 233,36 €
Fitness: 22,55 €
Other costs: 31,27 €

TOTAL: 1 194,27 €
DAILY AVERAGE:  42,65 € 
BUDGET: 1 400,00 €
DIFFERENCE: -205,73 €

Budget friendly month in Greece, mostly in Athens. Lot of laptop time, less traveling, but still one week on a road trip in Peloponnese. Check out also a cost post from Greece 

Visited countries: Greece
Accommodation: 365,40 €

Traveling: 139,03 €
Groceries: 298,92 €
Restaurants: 160,20 €
Fitness: 27,50 €
Other costs: 0,00 €

TOTAL: 991,05 €
BUDGET: 1 550,00 €

DIFFERENCE: -558,95 €