If you are sporty at home, why wouldn’t you be when travelling? Especially when making longer holiday trips, we have always seen it important to carry some sports equipment with us and keep things balanced by taking a run every now and then and maybe finding a local gym. Even when on a week-long package holiday it is a pleasure to have a morning run, and it also prevents the effects of eating a bit too much delicious foods or having those drinks by the pool 😀
On top of actual exercising, we do walk a lot, as most of backpackers do. Now we have the car still with us, so it means less walking from bus stations to hostels and so on, but still we walk around a lot, sometimes just trying to find the perfect restaurant for our taste and budget can lead to 10 km walk there and back. Since we are on to statistics, we decided to keep a sports diary with monthly sum ups of how much these two sporty backpackers actually move.
According to my sports watch, during the first FinnsAway month there was close to 700 000 steps taken, which means 468 kilometers when measured in steps. Over 160 kilometers out of those were measured using GPS when running or hiking. There were 16 days with some other exercise than walking, so it seems that we work out every other day in average. Not bad, but could be even more. At the moment we are moving pretty quickly from one place to another, so there are lots of travelling days when it’s more challenging to find time or energy for working out. But still, close to 20 000 calories burned whit exercising during August, surely some craft beers and couple of ice creams earned! 🙂